An innovative approach to growing wheat in saline soil conditions.

The research work of Dilnoza Muhammadieva, a student of the biological faculty of Samarkand State University, is aimed at increasing the resistance of wheat to stressful conditions using a microbial preparation created on the basis of strains of endophytic bacteria of the Sarsazan plant. Supervisor-Associate Professor Samgu, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Biological Sciences ran Alikulov.
According to statistics, more than one billion hectares of territory in the world have undergone primary salinization, more than 77 million hectares - secondary salinization, says Dilnoza Muhammadieva. - 58% of the secondary saline areas are irrigated. The expansion of saline territories leads to a decrease in the yield of agricultural crops, including one of the main fodder crops, wheat, which ultimately leads to insufficient provision of the population with food products. The situation dictates the need to apply innovative methods to increase the resistance of agricultural crops to stress factors, including to ensure their growth and development in saline conditions. In this regard, one of the urgent problems is to determine the properties that stimulate the growth of wheat and evaluate the potential of microbial preparations created on the basis of endophytic bacteria of halophytic plants, which are widespread in saline areas. Based on the foregoing, the purpose of our research is to identify the properties of promising strains of endophytic bacteria of the hyperhalophyte sarsazan plant, which stimulate the development of the wheatgrass plant, and to develop practical recommendations for their use in saline areas. In our research work, experiments are carried out to assess the effect of treatment of suspensions of promising strains of endophytic bacteria of the hyperhalophyte sarsazan plant on the development of wheat plants in saline areas, on the chemical and microbiological composition of the soil, on the use of a microbial preparation created on the basis of promising strains of endophytic bacteria when growing wheat plants on saline areas.
As a result of Dilnoza's research, 3 scientific articles have been published to date, including 1 article in prestigious foreign journals, more than 10 abstracts in the materials of international and republican conferences.
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Photos taken by Shavkat Akramov.