Devoted to science: Professor Khidir Botirov...

Khidir Botirov is a professor at the Department of Ecology and Life Safety at Samarkand State University, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences. During the scientist’s career, 9 monographs, 12 textbooks, 5 teaching aids, more than 10 teaching aids, about 500 articles, including scientific ones, and more than 1000 popular articles in Scopus, Web of Science and other prestigious international journals were published. .
In addition, he is the author of about 30 brochures and collections, in 2001-2005 he was an expert at the Higher Attestation Commission in the field of Plantology. Under his leadership, 5 candidates of sciences were trained.
Information service of Samarkand State University,
Photos were taken by Shavkat Akramov.