We often do not have enough time to have a better breakfast, as is often the case with business. But it is in the morning that our body is impressionable and cannot digest everything evenly. If you want to start your day in a good mood, then we recommend reconsidering your morning breakfast. In this article, you will learn about what not to eat on an empty stomach.


    When coffee is one of the first to enter the body, it overproduces hydrochloric acid, which will eventually lead to disruption of the digestive system. Between 6 and 10 am, the body produces the hormone cortisol, which serves to refresh and boost energy. A cup of coffee taken on an empty stomach stops the production of the hormone cortisol, causing us to suffer from fatigue and insomnia. If you feel relaxed and relaxed during the day, try drinking a glass of warm water instead of coffee. And coffee can be drunk during the day from 10 to 12 or from 14 to 17 hours.


    Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits and other citrus fruits are very useful, but not on an empty stomach. They cause the accumulation of large amounts of citric acid in themselves, just as coffee can cause inflammation of the stomach lining. As a result, the work of the stomach is disturbed, and there is also a risk of various diseases and allergies. If you are used to drinking freshly squeezed fruit juices in the morning, you can replace them with sweeter fruit juices, such as apple, pear or apricot. If you make a smoothie instead of juice and drink it, then a great ray will appear. Smoothies are also very beneficial because they keep the connective tissue in themselves.


    If kefir or unsweetened yoghurts themselves are taken on an empty stomach, they will enter the stomach, and the beneficial probiotic bacteria contained in them will dissolve in the gastric juice and will not bring any benefit.

    Desserts and sweets

    It's no secret that sugar is one of the harmful substances for the human body. So what happens when sweets are eaten on an empty stomach? In the morning, the pancreas and liver will not be ready to receive indigestible foods. And sugar intake dramatically increases the level of insulin in the blood. But after a while, it will drop sharply again, and as a result, you will quickly get hungry. Chocolate bars, croissants, and the like won't do any good at all, even if they don't keep your belly toned.

    packaged juices

    The benefits of packaged juices are small, and they are also based on sugar. Such juices, when taken on an empty stomach, destroy the natural intestinal microflora, destroying not only harmful, but also beneficial microorganisms.


    Banana is considered one of the very nutritious fruits. It stores a huge amount of vitamins, connective tissue, potassium and magnesium. But the intake of magnesium into the body during starvation of the abdomen from the early morning disrupts the content of this mineral in the blood and, as a result, has a bad effect on cardiac activity. Also, an excess of potassium negatively affects the functioning of the kidneys. A banana is not forbidden to eat for breakfast, but more than once, it can be consumed, for example, by adding it to sandwiches or smoothies.

    Prepared on the basis of Internet resources.