Textbook: biology and ecology of soils

The textbook is compiled in accordance with the program of the discipline "Biology and Ecology of Soils" and is recommended as a teaching aid for students of educational areas of Agrochemistry and Agrotechnics, Soil Science.
This textbook provides information about scientists who have contributed to the formation and development of the science of soil biology, the concept of soil biota, living kingdoms and their subdivisions. In the first section of the textbook, soil algae are presented by their groups, higher plants, lichens, fungi; in the second section, soil animals are presented, their general classification and classification from protozoa living in the soil to mammals. The third section reveals the world of prokaryotes about microorganisms living in the soil, their classification, taxonomic units, viruses. The fourth section deals with topics such as the cycle of nitrogen, oxygen and carbon compounds in nature and the microorganisms involved in them, photosynthesis, chemosynthesis. The fifth section, the ecological aspect of the soil, provides information about the ecological function of the soil, its main functions in the biosphere, the habitat of soil organisms, the biological processes of soil formation, the decay of plant residue and the formation of litter, the formation and decomposition of humus. The sixth section is devoted to erosion and soil protection. The seventh section deals in detail with the topics of soil pollution and self-purification.
Samarkand State University
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