In connection with the information published by the owner of the page on the social network Facebook named Islam Ibodulla about the extortion of students of the Faculty of History of Samarkand State University, we report the following.

    For students of the Faculty of History, classes in Persian and Russian are conducted not by the faculty of the faculty, but by teachers of the inter-faculty departments of the university.

    In addition, at Samarkand State University, all exams are conducted by the department for organizing and conducting student control of SamSU, and faculties, other employees or teachers cannot participate in the examination processes.

    Based on the foregoing, we report that this widespread message is unfounded and false.

    In this regard, we once again remind you that the Information Service of Samarkand State University is always open to the media and is ready for any cooperation. Before posting a post, check it to make sure it's true.


Samarkand State University

Information service.