To date, in order to radically reform the education system in schools and develop the professional and pedagogical skills of teachers, many pedagogical technologies have been developed that are widely used in the educational process. It is important to determine the effectiveness indicators of the methodological methods used in this regard. Master of the Faculty of Physics of Samarkand State University Gulshan Egamova is conducting a scientific research on the topic "Application of Bloom's taxonomy in teaching physics in schools for gifted students." Supervisor Professor of the Department of General Physics Oblokul Kuvondikov.

    - Criteria for determining, measuring and evaluating the level of formation of knowledge, skills and abilities of students are currently one of the topical issues of the education system, - says researcher Gulshan Egamova. - Physics is difficult for most students. Therefore, in connection with the increased attention to the methods of teaching physics, the Ministry of Public Education requires teachers to use new pedagogical technologies for a deeper learning of students. Bloom's taxonomy is widely used throughout the world for the preparation of educational materials and assessment criteria. In our country, the application of Bloom's taxonomy in teaching physics in higher education is also being established. Now our task is to apply Bloom's taxonomy to the school system. In connection with this task, we tried to conduct an experiment in the context of classes at school. In the experiments, 3 students of the 8th grade, 4 students of the 10th grade could not master the topics. Mastery of the remaining topics grew in the sequence of topics. During the experiment, we observed that the level of assimilation of topics in the sequence by students increased from 4% to 19%. Therefore, very effective results can be achieved with the application of Bloom's taxonomy in general secondary education.

    Currently, scientists around the world are trying to develop a system for the development of the education system, bringing knowledge to students through various methodological and methodological techniques. Therefore, the correct design of the educational process, the control and correct assessment of students' knowledge, the identification of gaps in the assimilation of subjects by students, their elimination and improving the quality of education ultimately serve to achieve competitive training. The impetus for the creation of taxonomy was the need to clearly consolidate the planned results of the educational process. The current education reform is to apply Bloom's taxonomy to the process of teaching subjects in educational institutions participating in it, determine its impact on the quality of education, assess the possibility of improving the quality of education on this basis and make suggestions.


Samarkand State University

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