For blind applicants who entered Samarkand State University, professional (creative) exams were held in the areas of education: Applied mathematics, philology, physics, geography, social work, economics, computer science and programming technologies, applied psychology, history, jurisprudence. In this exam, applicants tested their knowledge of basic and foreign languages.

    The exam is conducted in written and oral form, one hour is allotted for 5 questions. Answers are evaluated on a five-point system based on the criteria.

    In order to ensure the transparency of the exams, was broadcast live through its platform. In addition, a separate room with a monitor has been allocated for parents so that they can monitor the processes in real time and control their children's exams.

    “Today is an exciting day for all of us. My child diligently prepared for the exams, - says the mother of the applicant Halima Boboeva. “Today, his life may change. The exam is very well organized and transparent. We see and hear processes directly through the sound chamber. I would like to thank the leadership and organizers of the university for this. The best part is that the exam results are published at this time. This will provide a more transparent process. Good luck to all applicants!

Samarkand State University

Information service.