Educational tourism

Today it is impossible to imagine student life without travel. Language travel, the main purpose of which is to learn a foreign language by "immersion" in the language environment, is the most common type of educational tourism among students.
Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov has accumulated serious experience in forming a favorable environment for educational tourism, which correlates with such notions as "cognitive", "cultural", "cultural-informative", "excursion-informative" tourism. Thanks to educational tourism students gain new knowledge and strengthen the existing knowledge, develop an outlook, make friends and actively relax.
In March of this academic year in the format of educational tourism the work of the International Asian School-Seminar "Language, Culture and History" took place, aimed at promoting scientific, cognitive and informal intercultural communication between Uzbek and German students from different universities in Germany in Russian.
The seminar-school participants mastered the programs in the field of linguistics and culture of Uzbekistan, which is a unique intercultural and interlinguistic space in which representatives of different national languages and cultures interact.
In the Russian language classes, Yashina Angelina, a Language, Culture and History student at the Technical University of Economics and English (Dortmund, Germany), studied the interlinguistic function of language, using the adaptation of German words into the Uzbek language through the Russian language as an example.
On the material of "Samarkand Herald" newspaper (15 February 2023) Angelina Yashina traced the penetration of German loanwords into Uzbek language, particularly the economical term "accounting" (Buchhalterei) in the meaning of "business accounting".
A. Yashina’s article (co-authored with A. S. Scherbak) titled "Adaptation of German words in Uzbek language" was published in the collection "Development of science in the XXI century", published in Germany (Development of science in the XXI century. Dortmund, Germany, 2023) //
Teaching Russian to German students in the Uzbek environment on familiar Germanisms, which occupy a significant place in our lives, shows that notable borrowings from the Russian language have taken root in the Uzbek language as well: "kartoshka" meaning "potato" and "potato", for example, Uzbek dishes under the names "Kartoshkali chuchvara" ("Kartoshkali chuchvara"), "Kartoshka palov" ("Kartoshka palov"), "Kartoshkali tuxum barak" ("Kartoshkali tuxum barak").
Thus, the implementation of educational tourism, which is an intellectual basis for international understanding and cooperation of students, universities and countries helps to strengthen and develop the attractiveness of Samarkand University named after Sharof Rashidov for foreign students.
A.S. Shcherbak,
Doctor of Philological Sciences,
Professor of the Russian Language Department