Samarkand State University is a product of the Second Renaissance that took place in our country during the time of Amir Timur and the Timurids in the 15th-16th centuries. This higher education institution is the successor of the Ulugh Beg Madrasah, which was renowned for its unparalleled education and scientific inquiry in its time, contributing significantly to the scientific, technical, and cultural advancement of our people and humanity.

       On September 21, 1420, the educational process began in the magnificent building of the Ulugh Beg Madrasah in Registan Square. This blessed date marks the founding of Samarkand State University. Since 2021, September 21 has been celebrated internationally as Samarkand State University Day.

       Today, the conference that began early in the morning was vibrant. Various cultural and educational events, exhibitions, and intellectual games took place along the university's avenue. Songs and music were performed, uplifting the spirits of students and teachers.

      In the second part of the day, a ceremonial event dedicated to University Day was held at the Samarkand Youth Center. First, a stage performance depicting the first lesson at the Mirzo Ulugh Beg Madrasah was presented by the artists of the Samarkand Regional Musical Drama Theater.

      The event was opened by Rustam Kholmurodov, Rector of Samarkand State University, a prominent scientist of Uzbekistan and member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, who warmly congratulated everyone on this significant date.

      The conference featured speeches by Smita Pant, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of India to Uzbekistan; Husan To'xtayev, Deputy Governor of Samarkand Region for Youth Policy, Social Development, and Spiritual-Educational Affairs; Uzbekistan Hero Muhabbat Sharopova; Professor Govani Molari, Rector of the University of Bologna, Italy; Professor Kamal Kishore Pant from the Indian Institute of Technology; Professor Syed Ibrahim, Dean of the International Relations Faculty at Vellore Institute of Technology, India; and Azizbek Nasimov, Head of the Regional Department of Higher Education, Science, and Innovations. They shared their thoughts on SamDU, with participants praising the university's activities and recognizing its international collaboration.

    Greetings were conveyed from Andrey Rutskoy, Rector of Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University; Fu Yuegan, Vice-Rector of Changchun University of Science and Technology in China; and Sergey Bocharov, Rector of Altai State University.

      Following that, a video showcasing the achievements of Samarkand State University was presented.

      During the conference, several professors and teachers who have achieved high results in science and contributed to enhancing the university's international reputation, as well as students who won awards in scientific Olympiads and sports competitions, were honored with valuable commemorative gifts from the university rector.

    It should be particularly noted that among the youth is Uljon Amriyev, a master's student from the SamDU Faculty of Geography and Ecology, who is a participant in the "Paris 2024" Summer Paralympic Games and a medalist at the World and Asian Championships in para-judo. His achievements and courage in sports were recognized, and he received a computer set as a gift from the university rector.

     At the end of the event, creative students performed songs and music

Samarkand State University

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Photographs taken by Shavkat AKRAMOV.