How to start the day efficiently and profitably?

Do you believe in "morning magic"? In fact, there is scientific evidence for the benefits of many morning habits. Here are some examples to think about: Scientists believe that they have healing properties, increase energy levels and mood.
Wake up an hour earlier
According to scientists, if you are an active person at night, do not try to drastically change yourself and be active in the morning, as a drastic change in your usual lifestyle can lead to stress.
It turns out that what time you wake up in the morning affects how you feel during the day and how you feel. Research has shown that people who are active at night are more likely to become depressed than those who are active during the day, no matter how much sleep they get.
Scientists from Colorado and Harvard University have found that to correct this situation, it is enough to delay waking up by one hour. After that, the risk of depression is reduced by 23%. However, the time of sleep must also change, that is, you need to go to bed an hour earlier in order to wake up an hour earlier so that the rest time is normal.
The earlier you change the time you wake up (and therefore go to bed), the better you will feel. If you can change your schedule by two hours, your risk of developing depression will decrease by 40%. Start small, and if you change slowly, it will be easy for you to be active in the morning.
To be continued…