Dear prosecutors!
     In connection with the widely celebrated day in our country on January 8, I cordially congratulate the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Uzbekistan Yuldoshev Nigmatilla Tulkinovich, the prosecutor of the Samarkand region Khatamov Jahongir Juraevich and valiant workers in the field, defenders of the law, supporters of justice, veterans who have made a worthy contribution to the development and progress of the prosecutor's office.
     I wish long life, good health, happiness, good luck and family peace to the employees of the prosecutor's office, hardworking and fair professionals.
The Faculty of Law of Samarkand State University is rightly proud of the fact that it trains personnel for the prosecutor's office. Today, among the graduates of Samarkand State University, there are many who work in various positions in the system of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Dear comrades, I congratulate you on the holiday!

Rustam Khalmuradov,
Rector of Samarkand State University,
member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis,
scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan