Pay attention to what your child eats...

Healthy eating is the key to health.
Defects in the nutrition of the younger generation negatively affect the biochemical and physiological processes in their body. Proper organization of rational nutrition for children is one of the most important factors in the development of healthy children.
Because a child’s body differs from an adult’s in a number of physiological indicators. At the same time, it depends on the relative metabolic rate in the child’s body. The tissues and cells of their body require sufficient amounts of various nutrients. If this need is not satisfied in time, defects associated with it will gradually appear in the body, which will be very difficult to restore. To prevent such situations, it is important that parents, teachers and school officials carry out appropriate tasks related to this issue, promote healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle among the population.
Currently, it is observed, consciously or unconsciously, that the contribution of carbohydrates to the daily diet significantly exceeds the standard level. This situation mainly occurs when consuming bread and bakery products, flour products, cereals, rice and pure sweets much more than other food products. If the need for protein and fat is not met at the same time, the body will end up with a deficiency of these foods. In particular, such imbalances in the nutrition of schoolchildren and their continuation lead to a discrepancy in the growth and development of children, improvement in physical and mental abilities, and mastery of subjects. This is why it is important to promote physiological concepts in this regard to the general public, especially teachers.
We would like to give parents some recommendations on healthy eating for their children:
- Always pay attention to good hygiene when eating. Teach them to wash their hands with soap for at least 1 minute before and after eating or to use hand sanitizers.
- Don't let him eat while standing or walking.
- Pay attention to the composition, quality, energy value and other aspects of everyday food products.
- Watch for increased children's access to evidence-based healthy eating materials at home and in schools.
- Create conditions to increase the consumption of milk and dairy products, fruits, vegetables and similar products grown in rural areas.
- Check the expiration date of drinks, yoghurts, various sweets, and canned foods that your child buys in grocery stores.
- Make sure he eats in moderation and at the right times. Eating too much is also harmful.
- Don't let him drink hot food with cold water.
Khulkar Khazratova,
doctoral student at the Department of Physiology and Biochemistry of Humans and Animals,
Samarkand State University.