Do peaches grow in your garden? Then this is just for you...

When growing fruit and berry products in farms specializing in horticulture and viticulture, various diseases and pests have a significant impact on productivity. One of the fungal diseases, especially found in peach varieties, is peach leaf rot. It is necessary to ensure the accelerated development of all branches of agriculture, including horticulture and viticulture, increase soil fertility, fruit and grape yields, and fully meet the needs of our people for fruits and vegetables. One of the main tasks in this regard is the protection of orchards from diseases. Of no small importance in obtaining the planned harvest from orchards is high agricultural technology and the use of effective chemical control measures. Untimely implementation of protective measures leads, according to the observations of our scientists, to crop losses of up to 30-40%, and in some years up to 70%. In the peach orchards of our republic, peach leaf scab disease is widespread, which causes great harm to fruit growing. The main reason for the growth of this disease in peach orchards in recent years is the change in weather conditions, the lack of reconstruction of old orchards, the untimely application of agrotechnical and chemical control measures.
In our country, there are mainly 6 types of peaches. These are Jaidari peach, Ferghana peach (fig peach), David peach, peace peach and Mongolian peach. Peache varieties are divided into 2 groups: namely, peaches with hairy fruits and peaches with smooth (square) fruits. From each bush of a peach tree, you can get up to 100-150 kg of crop. China is considered the birthplace of the peach. Peaches were brought to Central Asia from China. The peach tree has a height of up to 7-8 meters, and its flowers are white or pink. The weight of the largest fruit is up to 600 g, it is considered beautiful, very tasty, rich in nutrients. Peach is a fast-growing, heat-loving plant that begins to bear fruit 2 years after planting seedlings. The fruiting period is 18-20 years. Propagated by cuttings. Peaches, plums, bitter almonds are also used as cuttings.
Leaf wilt, seen in peaches, is a fungal disease that affects the branches, leaves, and fruits of peach, plum, and sometimes cherries. The disease stops the tree from developing, disrupting the process of photosynthesis on trees. As a result of the disease, the rate of tree development slows down, and more severe winter cold temperatures can damage affected trees. If the disease recurs within a few years, the trees can be severely damaged. As a result of the disease, yields can be reduced by 40-50%. The disease mainly affects young leaves when the tree begins to produce leaves after flowering. Leaf rot spores hibernate in cracks in the bark of a tree trunk, on leaves and other parts of the tree. In wet and cool spring weather, fresh shoots and leaves can become sick. The disease develops intensively at a temperature of 18-250C, cannot develop at a temperature above 250C. Fresh sprouts turn reddish or yellowish, and the leaves become crispy and begin to distort their shape.
The most favorable period for the fight against the disease occurs in autumn, when the leaves are shed. Bordeaux liquid (3% copper sulfate + 3% lime / gypsum) is effective against it. In cases where there is a lot of precipitation in winter, as soon as the mixture is washed off, it must be re-sprayed.
With the advent of spring, before bud break, it will be advisable to repeat the spraying of Bordeaux. If there are infected trees in the immediate vicinity of the garden, they should be cut and disposed of so that the trees do not become sick. It is considered necessary to carry out a hard pruning of the affected branches, to clear them of cut branches in the garden. Against leaf rot in peach orchards, it is recommended to use Ramses 3 kg/ha, Kapitoks 1-1.5 kg/ha, entochloride 85% 3 kg/ha, Aramis 800 g/ha. In conclusion, it should be said that it is necessary to regularly carry out measures to combat diseases found in orchards. When carrying out chemical control, it is required to be attentive to the consumption rate. In addition, the timely implementation of agrotechnical measures has a good effect in preventing repeated outbreaks and the development of the disease.
Guzal Saloeva,
Master of faculty of
Agrobiotechnology and food protection
Samarkand State University.