Since gastropods are one of the main components of natural ecosystems, a large number of species, wide distribution and high population density are important in the cycle of organic matter. The significance of gastropods is diverse and consists, firstly, in the fact that they increase the biological productivity of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, and secondly, the ability to quickly notice the variability of ecosystems plays an important role in determining the degree of pollution of water bodies and land.

    Rukhshona Mirziyoyeva, Master of the Faculty of Biology of the Samarkand State University, is conducting a scientific research on the topic “Gastropods of Karachi and Gubdin Mountains (taxonomy, distribution and economic importance)”.

    - Mollusks play an important role in the environment and nature, - says Rukhshona Mirziyoeva, - it should be noted that many mollusks can be found on stones taken from the banks of springs, lakes and rivers, on trees that have been submerged in water, and on their trunks , on uprooted plants. The Adyr region, which includes territories up to 1500 meters above sea level, whose relief has a complex structure compared to the steppe region, is characterized by a wide variety of biotopes with optimal conditions for the habitat of aquatic gastropod mollusks. Gastropods serve as food for certain types of fish, reptiles and birds. In addition, they serve as an intermediate host in the spread of helminths among livestock, while others cause great damage to crops. The main goal of our study is to study the variations of Karachi and Gubda Mountains by regions and systematic groups and to identify the systematic significance of these characters.


Samarkand State University

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