Samarkand State University has opened a scientific laboratory of modern methods of analysis...

     The ceremony, which was attended by Aziz Sanjar, professor of Carolina University, Nobel Prize laureate, Ibrohim Abdurahmonov, Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Rector of Samarkand State University, Rustam Khalmuradov, Rector of the Republic of Uzbekistan, member of Senate of Oliy Majlis, was attended by students, teachers, representatives of scientific community.

    The laboratory has some 10 modern equipment imported from countries such as Japan, Russia and the United States. They will conduct scientific analyses and experiments in a number of important areas, such as organic and inorganic materials, chemical research of substances and synthesis of complex compounds, study of the properties of nanomaterials, quantitative and qualitative analysis of substance composition, and determination of bioactive compounds.

    The laboratory of modern methods of analysis is multidisciplinary and simultaneously covers chemistry, biology, pharmaceutics, medicine, food industry, perfumery, materials science, biological research, environmental protection, mining, oil and gas chemistry, agriculture, which allows to conduct high-precision scientific research in the fields of economy.

    "Nobel Prize laureate Aziz Sanjar lectures in inorganic chemistry for undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students at Samarkand State University," says Associate Professor Sanjar Tillaev, Dean of the Department of Chemistry of Samarkand State University. - These classes give students the opportunity to become acquainted with scientific advances in chemistry in the world science, in particular, scientists of the University of North Carolina. The fact that Aziz Sanjar personally participated in the opening ceremony of the Laboratory of Modern Analysis Methods, which was established today on the initiative of the Rector of Samarkand State University, is an important historical event in the life of our university. We will continue our close scientific cooperation with Aziz Sanjar in the future. Agreements were also reached on the scientific supervision of the scientist by the scientific staff of SamSU.

    - It is a great pleasure for every chemistry student to meet Nobel Prize laureate Aziz Sanjar and listen to his lectures," says Komila Bebitova, a chemistry student and Aziz Sanjar scholarship winner. - The scientist's research on DNA repair and the difficulties he experienced along the way are a model school for us...

an employee of the information service of
Samarkand State University.
The photographs were taken by Shavkat AKRAMOV.