Samarkand State University invites parents of talented students to cooperate...

A meeting was organized at Samarkand State University with talented 1st year students from the institutes of biochemistry, engineering physics, faculties of history, philology, mathematics and their parents. Before the event, parents visited the institutes and faculties where their children study. They got acquainted with educational processes, laboratories, and museums. We visited classrooms, lecture halls, a library, kitchens and dormitories, and inspected the created conditions.
A film created according to the idea of the rector of Samarkand State University, scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis Rustam Halmuradov was presented to the attention of parents. The film shows the life path of heroes who came from ordinary families and achieved high results thanks to education.
“Today’s meeting of the university leadership with parents was useful for us,” says the student’s father, Shakhobiddin Yakhaboev. - My child studies at the Faculty of Mathematics. I'm also a mathematician. I know the teachers well. I envy our children when I compare the conditions in which we studied and the current conditions. Rector of Samarkand State University Rustam Khalmuradov appealed to parents not to be indifferent to the future of their children, to give them education and teach them foreign languages. The film shown today also has deep meaning. Sindar Puchai, the hero of the film, did not have money to buy a ticket to study abroad, but it is commendable that his father invested in him even though he was in a difficult situation. Thanks to this act of his father, he is today the director of the largest company in the world. The role of parents in raising a child should be important.
“This year my son Abdumannon was accepted to study at the Institute of Engineering Physics of Samara State University,” says Gulnoza Juraeva. - I was glad that my son studied in a talented group. I've been at the Institute of Engineering Physics since morning. I am proud that my child is studying in such luxurious buildings, in an institution with modern laboratories and comfortable classrooms. Our meeting with the rector of Samarkand State University was an excellent opportunity for parents. In addition to teaching special subjects, we were told about the advantages of knowing foreign languages. From today I will take all measures to ensure that my children learn foreign languages.
- I don’t have a higher education. I am a craftsperson. “I dreamed that my children would study,” says the student’s father, Bobur Kamolov. - Every parent is happy to see the success of their child. I consider it fortunate that my daughter studies at Samarkand State University. Because not everyone is lucky enough to study at the Institute of Biochemistry of Samara State University. Entering the courtyard of the institute, you will see that a good scientific environment has been formed. President Shavkat Mirziyoyev also visited the Institute of Biochemistry of Samara State University. I was glad that my child is now studying here...
- I am glad about today's parent meeting. “I graduated from this university twenty years ago,” says Makhsuma Karimova. - Today I saw my favorite university again. My daughter studies at the Faculty of Philology. I was very impressed by the film shown at today's meeting. A great movie for students and their parents. Talking about the lives of the characters in the film, I remembered my parents. Having seen the university today, I was convinced that the state has created all the conditions for the education of our children. How our children learn depends on them. SamSU Rector Rustam Khalmuradov gave a number of recommendations to parents on raising their children. I am confident that if these recommendations are followed, the future of our children will be bright...
Information service of Samarkand State University,
Photos were taken by Shavkat Akramov.