Scopus is a scientific database that is the largest electronic platform covering publications in various subjects around the world. This database is a platform containing brief descriptions and information about links given in scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. The advantage of Scopus is that it offers intelligent tools for monitoring, analyzing and visualizing research, providing rich information about various fields of science. Looking back at the history of Scopus, it was launched in 2004 by an academic publishing company specializing in scientific, technical and medical content based in Elsevier Holland (Elsevier Academic Publishing). By 2020, Scopus has indexed about 78 million publications out of more than 26 thousand publications, more than 9.8 million conference reports and 43 million patents.

    In recent years, many scientists and researchers have begun to seek to work together to find partners that are in line with their direction, enjoy the latest scientific research related to the industry. Under these conditions, the allocation of truly scientific, innovative and relevant information becomes a necessity, there is a need to create databases of scientific publications in the highest quality scientific journals, books and other forms related to various fields of knowledge. Databases containing large scientific data, uniting them all, began to be created. Until now, the largest of them was Scopus, and he was able to significantly expand its geography.

    The Scopus base has the following amenities for scientists and researchers:

    First, the search and analysis of the scientific field and the literature under consideration.

    Secondly, the ability to easily find all kinds of publications related to all possible search resources.

    Thirdly, the breadth of opportunities for an individual author, analysis of the organization's activities. That is, it allows you to search, analyze and compare journals by several indicators.

    Fourth, get full information about the desired authors (name, place of work, publication topics, proposals, etc.) and keep abreast of the latest scientific innovations.

    Fifth, this is determined by the ability to quickly share your work with other people around the world.

    In recent years, the platform has expanded its capabilities and prestige so much that even when determining the access of universities to some international rankings, attention has been paid to the number of articles published in journals included in this database.

    The high scientific level of the journals included in the Scopus database and the complexity of the requirements for articles published in it, as well as the indexing of accepted articles, require a certain amount of time. Just as there have been attempts to find easier ways in every field, successful companies have emerged in this field offering article publishing services. Unfortunately, in our country, too, many scientists and researchers were deceived and simply spent money on such scammers. It should be borne in mind that the activities of the journals included in the database are updated quarterly or every six months, and scientific articles are published free of charge.

    The teaching staff of higher educational institutions is obliged to actively participate in this database with their works. Many researchers struggle to get their work published in these journals. In our opinion, through holding round tables, training seminars, master classes and other similar events at the level of faculties and universities aimed at the effective use of this platform, it is necessary to convey important information.


Lutfullo Ibragimov,

named after Sharaf Rashidov

Associate Professor of Samarkand State University.