Useful properties of Arabic persimmon

Arabic persimmon is also known as "date palm". It grows in arid regions of tropical and subtropical regions of Africa and Asia, near rivers, where there are underground water sources, in valleys, in swamps. The wild type is not known. Pleated leaves reach even 15 m in length.
Arabian persimmon is a very useful plant. It has been proven that regular consumption of 3-4 dates a day can cure many diseases and rejuvenate the body. This fruit improves digestion, normalizes blood circulation. Reduces cholesterol levels. Arabian persimmon is rich in iron. It is also of great benefit in anemia. It contains a lot of phosphorus and calcium. And this is very useful for brain activity. If you eat 2-3 dates in a bowl of boiling water before a night's sleep, sleep will improve and bowel function will normalize. Dates reduce high blood pressure, prevent aging. Persimmon is the only type of fruit that contains 60-65% carbohydrates. The richness of the product in fluorine protects teeth from caries. It also contains such trace elements and minerals as zinc, iron, magnesium, potassium, manganese, aluminum, sodium, cobalt, cadmium, boron. One of the most beneficial properties of persimmon is that it does not contain cholesterol. It tends to increase the pace of work, developing mental abilities. Thanks to the richness of folic acid and vitamin E, it strengthens hair roots, prevents brittle nails, and also restores lost potassium deposits in the body. This fruit is recommended for diseases associated with cardiovascular diseases, malignant tumors, tuberculosis, arrhythmias, hypertension.
Arabic persimmon helps the human body to ensure a uniform release of insulin in the pancreas, thereby normalizing blood sugar levels. During breastfeeding, it causes an increase in breast milk, activating milk hormones. The feeling of hunger arises due to a decrease in blood sugar levels, after eating persimmon this feeling disappears. Therefore, this fruit can be freely consumed even during a diet. The fruit is believed to calm the brain and induce light sleep. Completely restores the functioning of the brain and nervous system. The energy value is 142 - 274 calories in a fresh ripe fruit. Therefore, it can be eaten without fear instead of sweets, the reason is not obesity. Scientists believe that if a person eats 10 dates a day, then 1 daily norm of substances such as magnesium, copper, sulfur, iron, and calcium is compensated.
- Arabian persimmon belongs to the family of palms, palms are one of the most valuable plants of tropical countries, - says Mashkhur Akmalova, Master of the Faculty of Biology of Samarkand State University. - A pillar is made from the stems of palm trees, a shell is made from leaves, and brushes are made from fibers taken from the stems. Mainly grown as an ornamental plant. Palm species are widely used in the landscaping of offices, organizations, farming, environmental and other places. In my research, I tried to study the germination conditions and morphobiological features of the Arabian palm in laboratory conditions, using the collected data on the biological properties of palms.
The researcher is conducting a scientific study on the topic "Morphobiological features of species of the palm family in the greenhouse of SamSU". About 10 articles on this topic have been published in national and international publications. Scientific adviser - associate professor of the Department of Botany Ilkhom Mukimov.
Iroda Bekmurodova
Samarkand State University
Information officer.
Photos taken by Shavkat Akramov.