Buckwheat is a cereal crop. Currently, 5 species of it known to science have been identified. Buckwheat 80-150 cm high. Among annual species, only Tatar buckwheat is found as a weed. Cultivated plants have been cultivated for more than 3-3.5 thousand years BC, based on the exact facts given by scientists. Due to the fact that the flowers are extremely rich in nectar, they exude honey. At the same time, hardworking bees collect up to 50-60 kg of healing honey from buckwheat planted on 1 hectare of land, and also increase the productivity of the plant.

    Buckwheat is a heat-loving plant, and as a spring crop, seedlings are damaged at an air temperature of -2 C. In the spring season, they are planted in a simple row or in wide rows on prepared land. You need to water when flowers and grains begin to form. During watering, moisture should not leave the ditches between the rows. Because in regions with hot, dry and windy temperatures, buckwheat may drop flowers due to lack of water, or some of the flowers on the buds will wither and productivity will decrease. Biochemically, it contains 12-14% protein, 59-62% nitrogen-free extractives, 2.5-2.7% oil, trace elements such as iron, calcium, potassium can also be seen. The following countries: Russia, China, Ukraine, France, Poland, Kazakhstan, USA, Brazil, Lithuania, Latvia, Japan. Today Russia is the world leader in buckwheat cultivation.

     Among the areas allocated for grain crops in our country, wheat is grown on a large scale. After the harvest of wheat, the fields are empty. Buckwheat can be easily grown as a secondary crop on lands freed from wheat fields. It should be noted that the monocot wheat harvest absorbs all micro-macro fertilizers from the soil and reduces soil fertility. Buckwheat, planted as a second crop, stabilizes the phytosanitary state of the field. In addition, when the stems of the buckwheat plant are discarded after harvest, natural biological humus is formed. In addition, at the same time, the world's population is growing rapidly, and in order to provide the population with food, it is necessary to carry out a large-scale planting of plants such as buckwheat in our republic. But growing buckwheat in our country requires a lot of time and experience. The influence of sowing rates on the yield of buckwheat is an important factor in obtaining a high yield, based on the variety and soil and climatic conditions.


Gulnoza Artikova

Master of Biology Faculty

Samarkand State University.