Do you know about the medicinal properties of yellow iris?

It is widely used for the very treatment of freckles on the face, for injuries, examination of the lung disease and women.
Yellow iris (Iris pseudacorus) is a medicinal, flowering, succulent plant widely used for making flowers. The rhizome contains essential oil, glycosidic, oxidizing, organic acids. In folk medicine, it is used for inflammation of the spleen, spleen, tonsils, gynecological diseases of women, for the treatment of wounds and purulent wounds, for removing freckles, for inflammation of the gums, for toothache, and also as a tonic. It is also widely used in the perfume industry. Its freshly harvested rhizome is used in folk medicine, homeopathy. The yellow iris rhizome is part of the Zdrenko collection and is used for bladder diseases, ulcers and inflammations.
The yellow iris petal has been found to contain 80 to 90 milligrams to 140 milligrams of vitamin C. It contains oxytocin, pyrogallol, and violaxanthin. In folk medicine, the herb is used as a stimulant, tonic, anticonvulsant and diuretic. It also provides information that moino will cure epilepsy. It is used to suppress headaches, toothaches, as a remedy for constipation, with acute respiratory infections, diathesis, to improve hair growth. It is also used as a medicine for some diseases. There is also information about the roof, which can be used through investment. The crushed powder of the rhizome goes as part of a spraying preparation.
It is also useful to use petal and petal gels as compresses for spring diseases in men. M. According to Kozyrenko et al., the aerial part of the yellow carnation is used as a raw material for obtaining a biologically active antiviral substance. Its rhizome is widely used in Bulgaria for the treatment of diabetes mellitus, used in the perfume industry to obtain high-quality perfume products, for the preparation of toothpaste and powder. The aerial part, leaf and flower exhibit antibacterial activity, the aerial part and flower are used for tanning leather, dyeing leather, woolen fabrics, and paper yellow. His sperm is used as a coffee surrogate. It has also been noted that corn and flowers may or may not be poisonous.
According to Abu Ali Ibn Sina, the dried and shaded rhizome of the iris relieves the horse of freckles and flesh, atvar removes swelling, rashes, improves the thigh, it is good for headaches, finishes purulent wounds, crushes pain and areas of the buttocks of the buttocks of the throat. It is used in the treatment of cough, diseases of the respiratory organs, in diseases of the liver and spleen to suppress pain, reduce temperature.
D.S. According to Ivashin and drugiks, iris rhizome is used in medicine. This plant is common in almost all regions of Ukraine, including the territory of the Carpathians and Crimea. Distributed in Polissya, in the basin of the Dnieper River, the Southern Bug. The regions of ego cheese production are Volyn, Rivne, Zhytomyr and Kharkiv regions. Its reserves of raw materials are incredibly large, and several tons can be harvested every year. The development of swamps in the subsequent time leads to a decrease in ix reserves. The rhizome contains essential oil, tannins, iridine glycoside and organic acids, which are used in medicine under the name "violet root" as an expectorant, diuretic, as well as pain in the stomach and intestinal tract, spleen, lungs, angina pectoris. , for the treatment of purulent wounds, removal of freckles To do this, 2-4 tablespoons of crushed root juice are mixed with 700 g of whey and 100 ml of milk several times a day. The tincture is prepared by placing a spoonful of dried rhizome and 0.5 liters of white wine, or brew 15-30 grams of corn in 150 grams max boiling water and put 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day.
Mukhlisa Turobova,
Master of Samarkand State University.