The Eurasian Research Center will be created at Samarkand State University...
Samarkand State University was visited by a delegation of the Higher School of Economics of Russia headed by Anna Tisheskaya. The guests were received by Mukhtor Nosirov, Head of the Department of International Cooperation of SamSU.
The main purpose of the visit is the implementation of the agreement signed between the khakim of the Samarkand region and the governor of St. Petersburg. According to this, in cooperation with the Samara State University and the Higher School of Economics of Russia, it is planned to create a Eurasian Research Analytical Center.
In the activities of the center, professors and students of the parties analyze economic, cultural and educational issues in the Eurasian region and express their opinion.
Also, based on the proposals, a large-scale solution of issues of economic and cultural cooperation between the countries is envisaged. This analytical center is planned to be put into operation by March 2023 at the faculty of personnel management of SamSU. In addition, professors and teachers of this faculty are responsible for the center.
Samarkand State University
Information service.