On the occasion of the new academic year at Samarkand State University under the slogan "For a new life, for a new Uzbekistan!" the event "Initiation into students" was held...

The event was attended by representatives of the scientific community, labor veterans, students and their parents.
Rector of Samarkand State University, scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, deputy of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis Rustam Khalmuradov opened the event with an introductory speech:
- Today, the audience of Samarkand State University for the first time includes students who entered the first year. Students will remember this day for the rest of their lives. Years pass, they understand how important this period is in the life of young people. The head of our state has created all the opportunities for teaching students and youth. Dozens of students were sent on foreign internships. All this is done for your good study and quality education. You only need to study. Congratulations to everyone on their admission to the students. I wish you great success and success in your future endeavors.
- Today my dream came true, I was lucky to be a student. I was accepted to study at the Faculty of Mathematics of SamSU on the basis of a state grant, - says Shohista Khakimova. - Samarkand State University is dear to my family, my parents and sister studied at this university. They have always been proud to study at SamSU. Student years everyone remembers with warmth. I also have high hopes for the university. In the future, I believe that I will find my way in life thanks to the knowledge that I will receive at SamSU. Happy day to all students!
Information Service of Samarkand State University,
The photographs were taken by Shavkat Akramov.