In accordance with the program of the international summer school “Samarkand School of Archaeology” organized at Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov, a training session was organized at the monument Kofirkala in Samarkand region with the participation of professors and teachers, doctoral students, master's students and students of the Italian University of Bologna.
 At the beginning of the session, Professor of Bologna University S. Mantelini, Deputy Dean for Scientific and International Activities of the Faculty of History T. Mahmudov, lecturer of the Department of Archaeology M. Berdikulov told about the purpose and further prospects of the International Summer School “Samarkand School of Archaeology”.
 After that Professor of Bologna University F. Agnese gave a lecture to more than 40 young researchers of the International Summer School on “Study of medieval monuments of Zarafshan oasis”. The lecture impressed the audience with rich questions and discussions.
For information, the classes of “Samarkand School of Archaeology” will last till June 8 this year, the classes will be held by leading scientists and young researchers of Samarkand State University and Bologna University.

Information service of
Samarkand State University