Xasanov Askar Zabiyevich
Professor | Texnika fanlari doktori, professor

Gruntlar va tog' jinslar mexanikasi, Seysmik mustahkamlik va zilzilabardoshlik nazariyasi
2012 yil Rossiya Federatsiyasining N.M.Gersivanov medali "За достижения в области механики грунтов, фундамент строения , геотехники и геоэкологии", 2022 yil Rossiya Federatsiyasining "За вклад в развитие геотехники" medali, 2022 yil Qozog'iston respublikasining akademik Djunisova medali "Геотехника саласы бойынша Акад.Джунисов атындагы Халыкаралык медали".
"1974-1975 yy. - Harbiy xizmatda
1975-1977 yy. - Samarqand davlat arxitektura-qurilish instituti gruntlar mexanikasi, zamin va poydevorlar kafedrasi o'qituvchisi
1977-1978 yy. - Moskva muhandislik-qurilish instituti ilmiy tadqiqotchisi
1978-1981 yy. - Moskva muhandislik-qurilish instituti aspiranti
1982-1983 yy. - Samarqand davlat arxitektura-qurilish instituti gruntlar mexanikasi, zamin va poydevorlar kafedrasi assistenti
1983-1991 yy. - Samarqand davlat arxitektura-qurilish instituti gruntlar mexanikasi, zamin va poydevorlar kafedrasi dotsenti
1991-1998 yy. - Samardand davlat arxitektura-qurilish instituti gruntlar mexanikasi, zamin va poydevorlar kafedrasi katta ilmiy xodimi, dotsenti
1998-2004 yy. - Samarqand davlat arxitektura-qurilish instituti gruntlar mexanikasi, zamin va poydevorlar kafedrasi dotsenti
2005-2023 yy. - Samarqand davlat arxitektura-qurilish instituti Avtomobil yo'llar va geotexnika kafedrasi professori
2023 y. - h.v. - Sh.Rashidov nomidagi Samarqand davlat universiteti Nazariy va amaliy mexanika kafedrasi professori"
"Gruntlar mexanikasi va geotexnika" Bino va inshootlar zaminlari bilan bogʻliq boʻlgan barcha muammolar shu fan bilan bogʻliq. Bu fan bino va inshootlar qurilishi, shular jumlasidan transport, gidrotexnika, togʻ-kon, geoekologiya muammolari qaraladi. Bu muammolar muallif tomonidan 3 ta oʻquv qoʻllanmada, va 3 ta monografiyada chop qilingan. Jumladan, Khasanov, A.Z., & Khasanov, Z.A. (2020). Experimental and Theoretical Study of Strength and Stability of Soil (1st ed.). CRC Press. https://doi.org/10.1201/9780429351860
"1. A.Z. Khasanov, Z.A. Khasanov, B. Kurbanov Foundation with a sand damper on artificial base, reinforced with vertical reinforcement element (VAE). Journal. The Japan Society of Seismic Isolation. No.112 2021.4.
2. A.Z. Khasanov, Z.A. Khasanov B. Kurbanov, N.A. Nabiyeva The theoretical solution of the task for determining the ultimate load on the basis. Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. 2022 1-5 May 2022 Sydney, Australia 735-755 pp;
3. A.Z. Khasanov, Z.A. Khasanov Analysis of the theories of soil strength and recommendations for their improvement Proceedings of the 5th Central Asian Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Samarkand 2022, 6-10 pp.;
4. A.Z. Khasanov, Z.A. Khasanov Calculation and design of anchor piles in the soil conditions of Uzbekistan Proceedings of the 5 th Central Asian Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Samarkand 2022, 102-107 pp.;
5. A.Z. Khasanov, Z.A. Khasanov N.A. Nabiyeva Pressuremeter with a working body made of sand to determine the deformation characteristics of loess soils. Proceedings of the 5 th Central Asian Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Samarkand 2022, 125-126 pp.;
6. A.Z. Khasanov, Z.A. Khasanov B. Kurbanov Foundations on artificial bases stabilized also (strengthened) by vertical armo – elements (VAE) with a seismic-protective damping layer Proceedings of the 5 th Central Asian Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Samarkand 2022, 134-136 pp.;
7. Leonid V. Nuzhdin & Xenia Kozminykh, A.Z. Khasanov, Z.A. Khasanov Comparative analysis of the method of calculating the settlements of the foundations according to the field soils tests by a wedging dilatometer Proceedings of the 5 th Central Asian Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Samarkand 2022, 68-71 pp.;
8. А.З. Хасанов, А.И. Холмурадов, З.А. Хасанов Возведение пешеходных мостов в условиях сложного рельефа и водных преград. Фундаменты научно-практический журнал для проектировщиков и строителей. №3(13) 2023 г. 34-35 с.;
9. А.З. Хасанов, З.А. Хасанов Устойчивость природных склонов и определение давления несвязных грунтов на ограждение. Основания, фундаменты и механика грунтов, №1 2024 г.;
10. Experimental and Theoritical Study of Strength and Stability of Soil. 2020 Taylor & Francis Group Boca Raton London New York Leiden
1. А.З. Хасанов, З.А. Хасанов Способ выполнения монолитных полов над проветриваемым подпольем, возводимом на строительной площадке. 1АР 06696, 30.12.2021 г.;
2. А.З. Хасанов, З.А. Хасанов, Н.А. Набиева Устройство для определения деформации грунта. 1АР 06787, 05.02.2022 г.;
3. А.З. Хасанов, З.А. Хасанов Товарный знак Геофундамент проект, Р. MGU 47629, 25.04.2022 г.. "